Friday, December 31, 2010

Where Can You Buy Dimeticone

BIRTHDAY 2 0 1 1


good results, sooner.


Thursday, December 30, 2010

Contempary Christmas Decorations

Boclassic END OF 2010 TO ...

Tomorrow is the last day of the year 2010 and closing the season with a prestigious presence, a Bolzano infatti è in programma la classica gara su strada internazionale denominata "BOCLASSIC".
Sul circuito cittadino di 1250 mt. saranno al via nella prova femminile prevista sui 5 Km Sara Galimberti e nella prova maschile prevista sui 10 Km in nostro "Hassa" Elaloiani Abdellatif ( Pro Sesto )
Sarà una bella sfida tra tanti consumati campioni per i nostri novizi , speriamo in una prova di carattere per entrambi viste le condizioni di forma più che dignitose.
Per qualsiasi informazione in merito alla corsa , per coloro che vorranno seguire la gara, su RAI SPORT 1 è prevista la diretta delle due competizioni a partire dalle ore 14.50
Sarò in loco a fare il tifo per entrambi e se riesco a scattare qualche foto da mettere sul nostro sito al rientro.
A presto e Buon Anno a tutti.
il nonno.....

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

It Hurts At The Last Drop Of My Urine


Pochi giorni all'inzio del 2011 e una prima buona notizia arriva in casa Vis Nova Atletica.
Da qualche settimana è stato siglato un accordo per la sponsorizzazione della nostra società sportiva a partire dalla stagione 2011.
L'azienda che ha deciso si sostenerci si chiama SIRO ITALIA S.r.l. ha la sua sede sul territorio giussanese e più precisamente in Via Giusti 31 a Paina.
L'azienda si occupa di commercializzare accessori di design per il mobile, il suo sito è consultabile all'indirizzo web oppure cliccando sul sponsor of that logo in the upper right in our home page.
You need to contact each directly to the SIRO ITALY mail
In thanking the leadership SIRO S.rl. ITALY sponsorship agreement for the future, best regards to our old A & G sponsors of Albi and hope to SIRO ITALY years full of sporting satisfaction.
Wishing all a Merry Christmas, I refer you to the next post. Greetings from
grandfather ....

Monday, December 20, 2010

Why Is My Leg Twitching?


Some facts concerning events that occurred last weekend. Yesterday
December 19 excellent performance in the road race held in Novara for Moriggi Victor, Sara Galimberti Elaloiani Abdellatif.
On the 5 km route for heavy city changed very last minute impracticability of the planned path in a park, these three athletes have raised significant performance despite the bitter cold. Bad
the organization (this includes our Pul event) even with difficulty in freeing the path for the passage of the athletes (5 laps).
The final say "Hassa", Abdellatif Elaloiani reaches 3 ° to 6 "from the winner Simone Gariboldi (with whom he shares some challenging workouts) and a few Luca Leone meters from the 2nd, 15th comes Moriggi Vittorio author of a supply of smart race and won that lap both the result from the final position.
As for the girls race interpreted as a simple exercise to Sara Galimberti 4th in a few seconds for the accuracy of Valeria Roffino winner in the women's field.
The comment says that the race for Sara this is a period of slight pause before resuming preparations for the next test so its 2011 commitments should not be considered even if a great race pace. Vittorio Moriggi very convincing evidence that further supports and eagerly awaited by virtue of the last good workouts. Dining hours for a period of preparation Cross the long waiting impatiently.
For our Hassa, imported weekend, Saturday afternoon during the awards ceremony for the Pro Sesto Athletics, (a company for which Tessaro) had received the award for Best Performance Francesco Bianchi technical men two hundred and first year with 938 points for the his 3'47 ".98 on courses in July 1500 in Ponzano Veneto. singed event
Happy and confident, and above all, like Victor, of his good health has kept up with the professionals of the event leaving behind someone and reaching excellent third in climatic conditions that certainly does not like.
In thanking the group velocity (especially Lorenzo Pini and Igor) who have made in two to release much of the trail Via Elli annoying snow permitting anyone to work out, I wish all readers a happy Christmas and I'll wait for the next events VIS NOVA
grandfather ...

Monday, December 13, 2010

Airport Security Milena Velba


We're back from Abufeira (Portugal) where he hosted the European Championships in Cross which, as you know from previous posts, took part in our Sara Galimberti, specifically in the category Junior. How
like Sergio, first numbers, Sara has come to 52 ° and raced in the 4 km of Route 14 'and 21 "coming fourth in the six athletes entered in the blue event.
Nel complesso direi che la prova è stata assolutamente in linea sia con le potenzialità dell'atleta sia per le aspettative della stessa e dei dirigenti. Per quanto riguarda il lato nazionale, subito dopo la gara, il respondabile tecnico nazionale Silvano Danzi mi ha confermato di averla vista in linea con le aspettative del team considerando che Sara era alla sua prima convocazione azzurra e alla sua prima esperienza internazionale ad certi livelli.
Peccato per il risultato complessivo della squadra Junior per la quale la federazione nutriva speranze concrete di podio che invece non è arrivato poichè i risultati delle prime 4 atlete sono valsi il sesto posto complessivo lontato dalle aspettative dei tecnici nazionali.
La media al chilometro Sara says about 3 '.35 "on a path much faster, thanks to the pleasant temperature (19 °), but certainly given the duretta falsopiani initials and the tough climb in the latter part of the big ride that female athletes have come 2 times.
At the start of the test will have slightly delayed face serious problems after about 150 meters race at the turn of 180 degrees that led into the finish straight. The departure hyper speed of the whole group (widely expected) has forced to extricate itself from the rear of this first reversal of direction which has certainly lost some positions and had to slow down the action and then raise it at this time certainly icon corresponds to the main shortcoming of the cross.
After this small but significant error our Sassy has slowly begun to recover positions in the wake of Alessia Pistilli and finding his rhythm, meter by meter race ideal. The two big climbs on the two laps of the trail were covered with more than moderate pace, then a slight lack of malice nalla end that introduced in the final straight but that was covered with more sustained pace. In essence
with 20-25 "in the final position in the standings less would certainly have been within 30 after the race but Sara told me that he had given it all because no regrets, but realism.
Then a not good at Sara only for attendance but also knew how to handle the expected emotion of the event. Personally I have seen very peaceful feeling puntulamente confirmed by the athlete after the race.
What about ... hopefully it will be a starting point and not the end, for the trip to earth Lusitanian I personally enjoyed very much, thanks to the pleasant company of coaches and athletic directors Lecco fellow adventurers.
In relation to the event, the location was very pleasant although the lovers of the cross probably "true" prefer more technical and difficult terrain that fast. The organization was definitely up to the race course and was easily visible throughout most of its development from the small hill at the top of the hill I have described.
Per concludere, speriamo di poter rivivere gioie ed emozioni di questo tipo a breve e ancora complimenti a Sara per averci regalato giornate come queste.
A presto
il nonno ...

P.s. spero vi piaccia lo slide show dell'evento

Monday, December 6, 2010

Sample Welcome Letter To New Church


Corsa campestre in provincia di Como,a Cernusco,in una gelida mattina domenicale il 5 Dicembre.Ancora un'ottima prestazione di NESPOLI MARISABEL (esordiente 2000) che ottiene un bel 3° posto.Buon piazzamento anche per MUGNOSSO RICCARDO (ragazzi 97) 9° Gli altri risultati dei nostri:
Cat.Senior PULEO JOSEPH 44 °
note was the 2nd place of Hassi

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Hot Pink Fur Wallpaper

Provincial Championships Results Student Campestre

Albiate 25/11 -
Girls: Nespoli Marisabel first-5a-GALIMBERTI LIMONTA SARA ALICE 31st-42nd PANZERI rachel
Junior: Stortini CINZIA 18th-56th PONTIGGIA MARA COLOMBO-ELISA 87th

Carate 30/11