Friday, February 25, 2011

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Saturday, February 19, 4th at Monza round of the Cross in Seveso, always at the park of oak trees but with a new path, winding and muddy to make this test very, very hard.
The sunny day has helped athletes and there have been confirmations.

Here is the link to the overall standings after 4 races to date ... Click HERE

As far as the standings on race Seveso click HERE

yet beautiful performance per i nostri giovani atleti, in particolare Airoldi Chiara ( anno 2003 ) , Aceti Vladimir ( anno 1999 ) ancora vittoriosi, Mugnosso Riccardo ( anno 1997 ) secondo nella categoria Cadetti che ha visto anche un ottimo 7° posto per Aceti Alexander, 10° Ferrando Federico ( anno 2002 ) negli esordienti.
Nella categoria femminile esordienti 2001, 13°a Confalonieri Matilde, 15°a Nespoli Elisa e 16° Elli Sara e 24°a Citterio Carolina. Sempre nella categoria esordienti 2001 ma maschile 10° Sciumbata Antonio e 20° Ruzza Gioele.
Nella categoria ragazze, 17° posto per Barzagh Marta.
Oltre ai soliti Masters, Ferrando , Puleo, Simonelli, Nespoli Vito , Zanaboni , esordio per Riva Stefano nella categoria MM35 e vittoria per "Hassa" ( Elaloiani Abdelltif ) nella gara finale riservata ai Senior e MM35.
il nonno...

Friday, February 18, 2011

Wedding Wishes Congratulations

PHOTOS Magglingen

Anche se con un certo ritardo ma ecco le foto del week-end di Macolin
Buon divertimento ...
il nonno

Sunday, February 13, 2011

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MICKY, GABRY and Hasse ... OK ...

Ancora un altro week end di gare importanti, e ancora ottimi risultati per i nostri ragazzi.
Sabato 12 , ad Ancona, Campionati Italiani Indoor Allievi,Junior e Promesse, campionati ai quali ormai Pellanda Michela è abituata viste le sue continue partecipazioni.
Ricordiamo che Micky è super giovanissima , classe 1992.
Dopo l'ottimo terzo posto sui 400 Hs di questa estate a Pescara here is another prestigious 4th place in the 400 meters.
Morning 58 ".78 in battery, comfortable 2nd place that ensured the end of the afternoon, the final in which Michael replied the brilliant morning which enabled it to test a Aguante meritatissmo 4th place, time 58 '84. Crispi phone call to me glad that confirmed the full satisfaction with the placement without any recrimination. Micky Brava (Atl. Brescia 1950)
Michael, along with Sara Conti, then took part in the relay 4 x 1 lap of Sunday evening, in which the team has finished in 8th place in Brescia in 1 '.49 ".33
On Sunday morning the race was about 60 meters Soffritti Gabriel, who was also born in 1992, then cat. Junior. ( Atl. Lecco )
Nella 4°a batteria Gabriele non andava oltre i 7".27 , tempo che alla luce delle brillanti prove delle scorse settimane non rispecchia il reale valore dell'atleta.
Gabry però ha dovuto fare i conti con qualche acciacco muscolare rimediato a Macolin, infortunio sebbene lieve che gli ha impedito di gareggiare , sempre a Macolin, nei 60 metri previsti per la domenica mattina.
Non è bastata una settimana di recupero per schierarsi al via dei Campionati Italiani al massimo della condizione, certamente, per questo bravo e giovane atleta, le occasioni per dimostrare di che pasta è fatto non mancheranno di certo. Penso che l'esperienza di un Campionato Italiano ( per lui il primo .. ) sarà stata certainly important. In late morning but
Gavardo in the test region of Lombardy CDS Cross, excellent statement on the 4 km short of the cross for Elaloiani Abdellatif (Pro Sesto), author of a smart race ended with a final lunge in the 500 meters final meters.
After several attempts, finally here is the first major victory on the grass for our Hassa. The final stage 12 ".59 in the first place that helped catch the last place team available for the national final to be held in San Giorgio Legnano on in 2 weeks.
will, hopefully, a good show to see him fight in the short cross with consuming so many samples.
grandfather ...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

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3rd TEST Brianzola - GIUSSANO

not complain, we could not hope for better day for Saturday, February 5, 3rd at Monza round of the Cross in the program at Giussano on the legendary route of the pond. Climate
decidedly spring, clear skies, big turnout of athletes and supporters to cheer on their friends and relatives. In short it was a real success.
Thanks for all the organizational work, Bobo, Renato & C. for the treatment of race course, once technical and hard as befits a "real" country. Sergio gorvernato as usual, the organizers from the operations center and Grace Hall has "fanned" the confirmation of enrollment (More complicated than expected ....) Pepper and his friends then made us taste the best the entire season .... legendary ....
The rest of our guys have done a good number present at the event confirmed the brilliant performance of the first races and for some there is also the first run victory.

I am attaching the result of tenders, the current standings and photos taken by our "Hassa" who discovered (it was a long explanation ...) that there is a camera in focus, has been applied and the results are been much better than last stages.
Hassa that Sunday in Ancona has improved its bearing on the 1500 indoor PB in 3'51 "46
il nonno

Classifica Brianzolo - GIUSSANO

Classifica aggiornata Campionato Brianzolo

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Shingles Around Ankles

Macolino .. SUMMARY OF THE

Mentre a Giussano in una fantastica giornata di sole si svolgeva la terza prova del Campionato Brianzolo di cross del quale parleremo nel prossimo post, spazio ai velocisti e mezzofondisti impegnati nella trasferta svizzera a Macolin.
Nella prima delle due giornate di gare i nostri atleti si sono particolarmente distinti mostrando una ottima condizione.
Per il dettaglio dei risultati della prima giornata cliccate QUI

Ecco un piccolo riassunto delle loro gesta in attesa di notizie più precise.
Nota di apertura for the minimum reached by Soffritti Gabriele (Lecco Atl. this year) class 1992. Now in battery 7 ".13 then repeated in the final and next week Italian Indoor Youth Ancona.
for almost all athletes, Luca Bolis 23" .55 on 200 (I think for Alessandra Crippa, at least indoors) and 400 in 60 ".92, Daniela Cesana truly remarkable and his 7" .78 on the 60 with significant improvement, Michela Pellanda 26 ".50 on the 200. Sara Conti on 60 stopped the clock at 8" .07 in Battery and 8 " .08 in the final, while Zia Gaia 7 ".94 in battery and 7" .95 in the final .... timeless ZIA ...!!!! 8 ".87 Longoni for Martina and 9" 27 to Elena Ghidoni always about 60 feet, 8 ".82 for" blonde "Giulia Turati and 8 "60 per Longoni Camilla.
Zanaboni For Sara (to return to competition after a nasty flu) 8" .87 in battery on the 60 Hs and 9 ".14 in the final ....!!
To the young (1996) Thomas Citterio 8 "56 on 60.
conclude the post with the beautiful but unfortunate commentary on the race for Longoni Matteo, born 1996, head on up to 1000 meters within 100 meters from the finish line for a significant improvement on the PB on the distance he had to abandon the competition for a muscle injury. Pity for this unfortunate but very talented athlete, will certainly have a way to rebuild soon.

Here is the LINK to the results full weekend of racing Swiss

Sunday still good races for our children, on all the new PB on 400 for Michael Pellanda dropped to 58 "56 in the wake of his favorite rabbit, or just move to the GAIA ZIA 300 .
is improved by 10 cents on the 400 GUMP Ale Crippa taking his time to 60 "while Gabriel .82 Soffritti a nuisance because of muscle in agreement with Igor decides not to risk injury and does not take sides at the start of 60 meters Sunday.
confirmed on Saturday for time and discreet Daniela Cesana 7 "57 on 60 floors Luca Bolis.
improved in 60 Camilla Longoni 8" 58 8 Turati Elena "Elena Ghidoni 78 9" 23
in next post other results of the weekend
Greetings from Grandpa ...