So many things to say about this fourth day of the championship. Let's start with what I think is the most important play of the Roma found. Dynamical, physical, toughness. In short, the words of Mr. Ranieri served all right to give a shock to the players. A benefit is not nearly as good as I remembered ... maybe if digging in the recent past, comes to mind the home win against Chelsea. Remember? Well. Then the smile returned to Rome and this house can only be a positive sign for us all.
We now, unfortunately, some events that happened during the race on Sunday evening. and STRESSES that I was there so take care.
start with the protest, civil initially by the South Bend against supporter of the card, a tool that I consider unnecessary and shameful. The game starts without the classic songs "played when you think" and "tifiamo just the shirt." Only a few timid "Bla Bla Bla Rose" and "Get Directions" are the background to the early minutes of play. The Rome seems to enjoy this climate and is already on the half-hour two to zero. Meanwhile, the Curve, who waited for the first time gathered on the steps - where there are bars to be clear-changing idea of \u200b\u200barrogance coming from the stands, reneging on a 45-minute protest, and favors by blowing up as many as 17 in the paper industry. But it happens more ... two or even three of these bombs are launched in different sectors and the Wolf ... The fear is so great, people get scared and the two branches are unleashed against the curve with the following chorus: "Neapolitans You are Neapolitan." And 'the apotheosis ... E 'outrageous that supporters are fighting with herself ... but where are we? Not even Walt Disney would be able to imagine such a thing. The curve should be ashamed ... primarily because this beloved protest, which was to be adopted by all the curves Italian, it was rivelata inutile siccome solo la Curva Sud ha realmente aderito. Infatti nel pomeriggio erano presenti tutte le curve durante la partite. E in secundis perchè hanno rotto le scatole: non se pò sempre fischià o contestà a priori, anche perchè controproducente. Al massimo fischia e protesta alla fine...sempre alla fine... Faccio un esempio: Se a mio figlio ripeto di continuo che è un perdente, secondo voi quale sarà l'influenza del mio giudizio sulla sua vita? Vi pare giusto? Se viene bocciato a scuola non posso dirgli sei un coglione! Dovrò dirgli dai che il prossimo anno con un impegno maggiore ce la farai...questo è lo spirito... COMUNQUE LA COSA PIU' IMPORTANTE E' LA ROMA E PER ME CONTA SOLO IL SUO BENE e se ci sono tanti modi cheer for this shirt I certainly do not agree with the method adopted by Curve ... You, too, this Sunday you need a little bit ashamed ... Stop and think!
Episode relaunched Totti T-shirt as a sign of the curve cpntestazione not know anything because I was already out of the stadium.
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