Monday, March 14, 2011

Sample Congratulatory Speech

Samsung Smart Life: arriving in Italy and new TV player Blu-ray

Samsung Smart Life: arriving in Italy new TV and Blu-ray player

"Under the concept of Smart Life created a new series of audio / video"

Samsung has recently announced what will be the new audio and video technology of 2011 for Italy. Attention is focused on the concept of 'Smart Life' which places the centrality of the content and a new approach to lifestyle technology.

Specifically Samsung will offer the next generation of TV Smart TV together with home theater products and innovative Blu-ray can handle streaming video and 3D content on the Internet.
Paolo Sandri, Vice President of Samsung Electronics Audio Video has Italy said: "With the introduction of the new Smart TV we want to confirm our ability to anticipate trends and market needs and our pioneering role in innovating technologies through unique and innovative. For 2011 we intend to further strengthen our leadership in consumer electronics in Italy, 28% in 2010, with a focus on premium segments, and a crucial role in this direction will be covered by its Smart TV Samsung estimated that the so-called connected TV can be 30% of the TV market (in value) by the end of the year ".

according to Samsung, the technologies that make it unique, the concept of 'Smart Life' are:
  • Smart design - design that improves product functionality and improve user experience and go beyond the pure aesthetics
  • Smart Experience - experience that provides the most rapid use of content, ranging from applications to games, the most innovative platforms and brighter screens and dynamic
  • Smart Connection - automatic connectivity between devices in the environment for content sharing full e senza limiti

I nuovi televisori Samsung, che avevamo avuto modo di vedere all´inizio dell´anno in occasione del CES 2011 di Las Vegas, includono i modelli SMART TV LED D8000, D7000, D6500, D6100 e D5500 dotati di connessione Wi-Fi integrata, tecnologia 800Hz CMR, pannelli da 32 a 60 pollici, accesso alla piattaforma Samsung Smart Hub, tecnologia 3D e caratterizzati dallo stile One Design con cornice di appena 5mm per dare sempre più spazio ai contenuti.

Alle soluzioni LCD LED si aggiungono quelle della serie 3D D8000 e D6900 Plasma Full HD con schermi più ampio di un pollice rispetto agli standard, tecnologia Real Black Filter per ridurre il riflesso sullo schermo e garantire un nero più intenso, tecnologia Cinema Smooth che assicura effetti di movimento più fluidi ed ricca gamma di funzioni e servizi per trasformare in tempo reale i contenuti 2D in 3D, Wi-Fi integrato e supporto per Samsung Apps.

Samsung introduce anche una serie di nuove soluzioni Audio-Video come il nuovo player Blu-ray BD-D8900 con HDD integrato da 1TB su cui registrare fino a 480 ore di contenuti SD e HD, il sistema Home Theater HT-D6750W dotato anch’esso di HHD integrato da 1TB e di funzione 3D Sound che sincronizza audio e video per creare un’esperienza di fruizione avvolgente in cui il suono si “muove” insieme alle immagini 3D e accessori innovativi come i nuovi occhialini 3D attivi e la webcam Skype in HD.

Infine da Samsung also comes a new line of digital cameras, video cameras and interchangeable lenses to meet every demand of digital imaging:
  • NX Series - The NX family of cameras has recently increased with the introduction of five new premium lenses, which make easy for users to choose the best way to capture the scene. Samsung has also recently launched the NX11, which comes in the wake of the success of the NX10 and will strengthen the presence of Samsung in the segment "mirrorless.
  • ST700 - Samsung's latest innovation in the field dual-display, ST700 is characterized perf the front screen to the wider world, a back screen from 3 "touch screen and incorporates a number of features such as Smart Filter 2.0 and Magic Frame.
  • SH100 - complete with Wi-Fi, the SH100 allows you to instantly upload the pictures on social networks and automatically create a backup copy on your PC. Users can also connect with their handsets based on Android platform, which becomes an additional control device and display the content remotely. Q10 - Q10 The camera makes it even easier thanks to the innovative filming Grip Switch, which automatically adjusts the LCD display depending on how the device is contested. Recording technology in full HD CMOS sensor BSI offers spectacular images of the highest quality and ensures an easy and intuitive.


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