Thursday, March 10, 2011

Should I Go To A Gay Sauna

test is aimed at TSMC to produce A5

La Mela e la più importante fonderia taiwanese hanno siglato gli accordi per la fornitura dei chip di iPad 2
Apple e TSMC hanno recentemente stretto una serie di accordi che prevedono la produzione del SoC dual-core Apple A5 utilizzato per il nuovo iPad2 (e presumibilmente per la prossima generazione di iPhone ) presso le fabbriche della fonderia taiwanese.
Secondo le informazioni disponibili Apple si appoggerà sul processo a 40 nanometers for the production of A5, some rumors also indicate some activity on the process of collaboration to 28 nm, without any indication of his true destination.
Three would be the reasons why Apple decided to rely on TSMC instead of continuing the relationship with Korea's Samsung, which currently produces solutions for A4 Apple iPhone and iPad 4. First of all, Apple wants to avoid contact with a reality that is both direct competitor in the smartphone market , and in that of the tablet. Secondly TSMC currently has the highest yield in the world for 40nm production process, together with higher production capacity. Clearly
Apple's interesting to be able to rely on a partner capable of maintaining the high volume of supplies it needs in order to hit sales goals. According to an analysis of FBR Capital Markets iPad 2 production in the first quarter came to about 2 million units, thanks to the resolution of problems occurring that have previously allowed so you can push the volume production as early as March . For the second quarter of the production of iPad 2 is expected to increase up to 7.2 million units.
For the entire 2011 is expected to total production of 45 million devices iPad 2, of which the vast majority, about 32 million pieces, will be realizzati nella seconda metà dell'anno per andare a rispondere alla domanda del periodo back-to-school e del vivace periodo delle festività, domanda che evidentemente secondo le stime della Mela sarà piuttosto consistente.


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